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Can We Afford Care Like This?

Hospice services include medications, physical care, counseling, equipment, and supplies for patients. Hospice is a primary benefit of Medicare and Medicaid but may be provided through the VA and other private insurance. Medicare Part A covers 100% of the expenses. Helping Hands Hospice accepts patients regardless of their ability to pay.

Medicare and Hospice

Choosing hospice care is a difficult decision. The information in this booklet and support from a doctor and trained hospice care team can help you choose the most appropriate health care options for someone who’s terminally ill. Whenever possible, include the person who may need hospice care in all health care decisions.


Continue reading this article on Medicare and Hospice by clicking Learn More.

Medicaid and Hospice

The Hospice benefit is an optional state plan service that includes an array of services furnished to terminally ill individuals.  These services include: nursing, medical social services, physician services, counseling services to the terminally ill individual and the family members or others caring for the individual at home, short-term inpatient care, medical appliances and supplies, home health aide and homemaker services, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services.


Continue reading this article on Medicaid and Hospice by clicking Learn More. 

VA and Hospice

Since Palliative Care and Hospice Care are part of the VHA Standard Medical Benefits Package, all enrolled Veterans are eligible IF they meet the clinical need for the service.


Copays may be charged for Palliative Care, but there are NO COPAYS for Hospice Care whether it is provided by the VA or an organization with a VA contract.


Continue reading this article on VA and Hospice by clicking Learn More.

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